Comprehensive Guide to Components of Planned Maintenance

Periodic inspections, control of inventory parts & materials are essential components of planned maintenance process. Learn about 7 major milestones & 4 phases for successful preventive & corrective maintenance.

Comprehensive Guide to Components of Planned Maintenance

Periodic inspections, control of the inventory of parts and materials, process descriptions, and prioritization of work are all essential elements of the planned maintenance process. To guarantee that preventive maintenance is effective, there are seven major milestones that must be taken into account. These include testing, maintenance, calibration, inspection, adjustment, alignment, and installation. All members of the maintenance team must be aware of these steps and apply them accordingly. Mobility Work is a great tool to help streamline your daily maintenance routines.

It offers an easy-to-use interface, a mobile application, quick and innovative search capabilities, calendars and alerts, intervention reports, document management, an analysis tool, preventive maintenance plans, and much more. Corrective maintenance is also an important part of a larger maintenance plan. This type of maintenance is best suited for non-critical building assets that can be repaired or replaced cheaply and easily, or when systems have redundancies that minimize the risk of total system failure. Planned maintenance checklists are also useful for tracking maintenance KPIs and getting a better understanding of the program's impact on the efficiency of your operation. To maximize the effectiveness of your building maintenance practices, it is important to understand the four phases of planned maintenance.

By exploring each phase in detail, you can develop a plan that is tailored to your specific needs. The first phase is preparation. This involves gathering all the necessary information about the building and its systems. This includes collecting data on the building's age, condition, and any existing problems. It also involves creating a list of tasks that need to be completed in order to maintain the building's systems. The second phase is implementation.

This involves carrying out the tasks identified in the preparation phase. This includes performing inspections, repairs, replacements, and other necessary actions. It also involves creating a schedule for regular maintenance activities. The third phase is monitoring. This involves regularly checking on the building's systems to ensure that they are functioning properly.

This includes checking for any signs of wear or damage and making any necessary repairs or replacements. The fourth phase is evaluation. This involves assessing the effectiveness of the planned maintenance program. This includes analyzing data on the performance of the building's systems and making any necessary adjustments to ensure that they are functioning optimally. By understanding each of these four phases of planned maintenance, expert maintenance teams can use the most advantageous elements from each one to develop a plan that is tailored to their specific needs. With this knowledge in hand, stakeholders can create a plan that will help them maintain their buildings more efficiently. In order to ensure that your planned maintenance program is successful, it is important to have a clear understanding of all seven components.

By taking into account testing, maintenance, calibration, inspection, adjustment, alignment, and installation you can create an effective plan that will help you maintain your buildings more efficiently. Mobility Work offers an easy-to-use interface with quick and innovative search capabilities as well as calendars and alerts for intervention reports. Document management tools are also available for preventive maintenance plans as well as an analysis tool for corrective maintenance. With these tools at your disposal you can create a comprehensive plan tailored to your specific needs. By understanding each phase of planned maintenance you can develop a plan that will help you maintain your buildings more efficiently. With Mobility Work's easy-to-use interface you can quickly create a comprehensive plan tailored to your specific needs. By taking into account all seven components of planned maintenance you can create an effective plan that will help you maintain your buildings more efficiently.

With Mobility Work's easy-to-use interface you can quickly create a comprehensive plan tailored to your specific needs.

Barry Brisky
Barry Brisky

Typical beer advocate. Hipster-friendly explorer. General zombie geek. Friendly bacon enthusiast. Evil troublemaker.

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